Algonquin College S Building Addition

Project Team :

Bryden Martel Architects Incorporated - Architect of Record

WSP - Civil / Structural Engineers

Vanderwesten & Rutherford Associates Inc. - Mechanical / Electrical Engineers

Description :

The college was in immediate need to accommodate a new Welding Shop, an addition to S Building was determined to be the most suitable location.  Bryden Martel Architects was retained as the prime consultant.

It was important that appropriate forethought be given to the design of a future expansion to the welding shop. This involved ensuring the building’s infrastructure and access to the automotive building yard would be maintained should an expansion be constructed.  Existing electrical services, water, storm and sanitary services, as well as the campus’ fiber optic trunk line were all located under the proposed addition and future expansion.  Options related to addressing these services were delineated and evaluated with the client.

The movement of gas tanks and steel into the building was critical to the ease of operation as was maintaining existing roadways, parking and parking circulation.  Existing grades and the storm water management provided challenges that were overcome early in the design.

Innovative to project’s design was the use of ductless welding booths.  Algonquin College is only the second college in Canada to use such technology.  A great deal of research and care was taken to ensure these were an appropriate fit for the college and would meet health and safety standards